C Edward Kennedy Jr PC
International Tax Consulting and Compliance in Atlanta, Georgia
Cross-Border Tax Planning
When you operate outside the U.S., cross-border tax planning is essential. You cannot assume the U.S. tax treatment of any situation will be the same in a foreign jurisdiction. Failure to address cross-border tax consequences can create an unacceptable and costly tax situation. My approach is to work with my clients in all steps of this process – design, implementation, and reporting, This way you can be sure that the intended result occurs.
International Social Security Planning
International social security is a complex and often-overlooked planning area. Social security rules in an international context significantly differ from income tax rules. Given the fact that employer/employee combined social security contributions are often much higher than in the U.S., identifying social security planning opportunities is critical. My 40 years of experience in this area allows me to identify and implement planning others may miss.
Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA)
My Firm is a Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA) who can assist taxpayers in obtaining an Individual Taxpayer Identifying Number (ITIN) without having to submit original documentation to the IRS. If a CAA does not review and certify that the required documents are valid copies of the original documents, the taxpayer has to send the original document (generally a passport) to the IRS for review, which can take up to 7 weeks.
International Tax Training
During my 40 years as a CPA, I have been a frequent speaker and writer on a variety of international tax topics. Please refer to my resume for a complete list of topics. If you or your staff need specific training on any of these topics, I can develop a presentation tailored to your specific needs.
Committed to Helping You
Due to the potential dual taxation issues, it is important to plan for taxation both in the United States and in any other country which taxes the income. This planning process involves using local, in-country resources to identify and implement the appropriate local tax planning as needed. Failure to consider the cross-border tax consequences of a situation can result in significant, unexpected tax consequences.
I have significant experience in the following areas not found in many CPA firms:
- International pension planning
- Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Programs compliance
- BEPS Country by Country Reporting Requirements
- Expert witness regarding international tax reporting obligations
- Offshore and split U.S. payroll reporting
Our Staff
C Edward (Ed) Kennedy Jr
Managing Director
I have over 40 years of experience dealing with a variety of international tax matters. I provide tax consulting and compliance services to a wide variety of clients ranging from closely held companies to multi-national businesses and individuals working outside their home country. I earned my B.A. cum laude from Furman University and my Juris Doctor degree from the Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University School of Law. I am a CPA licensed in Georgia and Texas and an attorney licensed in Texas.

3 Lost Meadow Cove
The Hills, TX 78738